Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to add new tables to NOPCommerce

I spent plenty of time for delving into this problem' depths. I can summarize the solution as follows:

1. Create The Entity Class (e.g Entity.cs)

Path : Nop/Core/Domain/Entity.cs

2. Create The Mapping Class (e.g EntityMap.cs)

Path : Nop/Data/Mapping/EntityMap.cs

3. Create a Model for MVC (e.g EntityModel.cs)

Path : Nop/Admin/Models/EntityModel.cs OR Nop/Web/Models/EntityModel.cs

4. Create a validator for model (e.g EntityValidator.cs)

Path : Nop/Admin/Validators/EntityValidator.cs OR Nop/Web/Validators/EntityValidator.cs

5. Create A Mapping Configuration On AutoMapperStartupTask.cs for Entity and Model

Path : Nop/Admin/Infrastructure OR Nop/Web/Infrastructure

6. Apply Mapping between Model and Entity on MappingExtensions.cs

Path : Nop/Admin OR Nop/Web

7. Create a service class and service interface (e.g EntityService.cs , IEntityService.cs)

Path : Nop/Services/EntityService.cs AND Nop/Services/IEntityService.cs

8. Update DependencyRegistrar.cs

9. Finally Create Controller and View for given model

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